Doing Business
Located at the mid-point of Interstate 95 on the eastern seaboard, Nash County is a prime location for efficient distribution of manufactured goods. Nash County houses several successful distribution companies, advanced manufacturing corporations, and food processing companies. Nash Community College ensures a prepared and comprehensive workforce available to fill industrial roles.
Workforce & Demographics
Nash County’s expansive labor force gives employers the opportunity to hire qualified employees across a variety of industries. The workforce includes over 990,000 employees within a one-hour drive, with over 65,000 of these employees located in the Rocky Mount Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Nash County offers a competitive edge to businesses looking to expand or relocate. Designated as a Tier 1 county, Nash County has the opportunity to offer some of the most lucrative incentives available in North Carolina. These incentives help ease the budget of new industry and allow businesses to qualify based on capital investment, job creation, and other key criteria.
Infrastructure & Resources
Nash County offers quality, updated infrastructure access to support growing businesses. The majority of our sites include water, sewer, natural gas, and electric. A host of other resources, such as fiber, expanding broadband, transportation and more, provide an added benefit to locating in Nash County. Multiple service providers are available to help businesses meet their operational needs by providing quality service and support.