Partnerships & Organizations
Nash County is proud to collaborate with regional and local organizations, institutions, and programs.
Nash Community College
Preparing Nash County residents for careers within our local industry falls on the very capable shoulders of Nash Community College (NCC). Approximately 12,000 citizens participate in programs at NCC annually. NCC offers 99 academic programs, including the Advanced Manufacturing Institute and a variety of continuing education courses that supplement training for our business and industry leaders.
NCC also strives to increase the success rate and number of viable small businesses in North Carolina through the Small Business Center (SBC). The SBC offers free counseling, training, and workshops for small business success.
Nash County Public Schools
Nash County Public Schools (NCPS) focuses on preparing all students for bright and prosperous futures by deliberately and intentionally providing rigorous and relevant instruction in every classroom, every day. NCPS serves more than 15,000 students from Pre-K to High School, across 29 campuses.
Available to our students is the Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School (NRM-ECHS), a cooperative, innovative high school enabling students to earn both a high school diploma and an associate degree/industry certification.
NC Wesleyan College
Founded in 1956, North Carolina Wesleyan College (NCWC) has built a strong foundation in Rocky Mount by preparing students for professional advancement and lifelong learning. The college serves residential and commuting traditional students, as well as adults pursuing degrees through the ASPIRE program. NCWC is recognized by the National Center Certification Board as being an Approved Career Training Provider.
The Gateway Technology Center of NCWC hosts the ECU/NC State Collaborative, a partnership between two of the state’s leading academic players to empower the local community with the tools needed to further their education.
NC Works Turning Point Workforce Development Board
NC Works Career Centers provide local assistance to Nash County through the Turning Point Workforce Development Board (TPWDB). The TPWDB aims to create a competitive workforce in the region by ensuring that companies receive highly trained and skilled workers. The TPWDB provides services to local businesses in order to ensure their continued growth. Staff can assist businesses with opportunities to enhance their workforce, while also providing incentives to increase production and profitability. Examples of business and employer services include Work Readiness, Training Enhancement Grants (TEG), On-The-Job Training (OJT), Company Needs Assessment, and Labor Market Information.
RAMP East cultivates the partnership of a ten-county region to expand the workforce pipeline for new and existing industry in eastern North Carolina. Eight community colleges in the region offer an Advanced Manufacturing Institute that is designed to help students receive the basic skills needed to begin a career in advanced manufacturing. After completing the training, students have the opportunity to interview with local industry leaders or continue furthering their education through local community colleges.
Strategic Twin-Counties Education Partnership
Established in 2012, the Strategic Twin-Counties Education Partnership (STEP) brings together school districts, businesses, and human services agencies on a regional basis to share resources focused on capacity-building, joint planning, and process improvement. STEP aims to prepare students for jobs available in their local community by striving to align school systems and community colleges to better serve students.
Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments
The Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments (UCPCOG) is a planning organization comprised of 5 county governments and 40 municipal governments. The staff at UCPCOG plan and administer a variety of federal, state, and local programs and services, including grants, planning, workforce development, and more.
Area Chambers
- Bailey Chamber of Commerce
- Nashville Chamber of Commerce
- Rocky Mount Chamber of Commerce
- Spring Hope Chamber of Commerce